
Initialize Git repository:

$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in * (glob)
$ touch README.txt
$ git add .
$ git commit --message 'First commit' > /dev/null

Prepare vb:

$ vb init
$ vb checkout branch-a
$ vb checkout branch-b

You can use vb sync to propagate changes in the root repository to workspaces:

$ echo 'edit' > README.txt
$ git commit --all --message 'Second commit' > /dev/null
$ vb sync
$ git --git-dir .vb/branch-a/.git log --all | grep 'Second commit'
* Second commit (glob)

This is like git fetch, so, .git in the workspaces are updated even though it can’t be fast-forwarded:

$ git reset --hard HEAD^
HEAD is now at * (glob)
$ echo 'different edit' > README.txt
$ git commit --all --message 'Second commit (redo)' > /dev/null
$ vb sync
$ git --git-dir .vb/branch-a/.git log --all | grep 'Second commit'
* Second commit (redo) (glob)

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